Urban and Heat Learning Journey

Session 4
Urban and Heat Early Warning Systems

This 5-part Learning Journey, led by the Zurich Climate Resilience Alliance, is a space for Alliance members and other DRR practitioners to explore and learn about urban and heat resilience.

The Learning Journey has been designed for both synchronous learning, joining live, interactive online sessions, or asynchronous learning, by accessing materials independently and at your own pace.

The fourth session of the Learning Journey, held in October 2024, explored the role of Early Warning Systems (EWS) in mitigating risks from extreme heat and urban climate challenges.

Watch the full recording of the session or, if easier, review the selected resources and summary documents below.

Guest speakers

Euan CrispinIrene AmuronPhoebe Wilson
Adaptation Research Manager at C40, spoke about Urban Early Warning Systems in urban contexts, sharing examples from the Philippines, Kenya and Tanzania.Lead for Anticipatory Action, Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Center, spoke about Heat Early Warning Systems, their history, and definitions.Telecross REDi Lead Officer at the Australian Red Cross, spoke about the Telecross REDi program active in South Australia.

Key takeaways for practitioners

  • Incorporate environmental, social, and economic factors into EWS design for comprehensive resilience.

  • Strengthen collaborations with local organizations, NGOs, and community leaders to enhance system effectiveness.

  • Use culturally sensitive and accessible messaging strategies to reach diverse populations.

  • Prioritize support for underserved communities, addressing systemic vulnerabilities that exacerbate climate risks.

  • Integrate innovative tools such as real-time data platforms and impact-based forecasting for actionable insights.

  • Empower individuals and communities to take proactive measures in preparing for and responding to heat events.

Session highlights and resources

Have a look at the following short videos on key topics shared during the session.

Early Warning Systems in urban contexts

Hazard Dynamics in Urban Areas

“In general, the urban environment heightens risks because of the concentration of people, assets and their built-up area"

Urban Early Warning Systems in action

“Information ecosystem mapping helps to understand how information flows from different points"

Early Warning Systems for heat hazard

Understanding heat-health Early Warning Systems

The history of Heat Early Warning systems

Developing heat Early Warning Systems


Telecross REDi assists vulnerable and isolated people cope with extreme weather events. Powered by volunteers, this service supports people by calling them daily during declared heatwaves, reminding users of the important measures to protect oneself during extreme weather events. If a call goes unanswered, an emergency procedure is activated to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the community member.

Interested in learning more?
See below for resources related to the session.

There are many more resources out there to better understand urban and heat topics. The Zurich Climate Resilience Alliance has launched the Urban Heat Resource Directory to concentrate guidance, tools and information. Click the icon to access the Directory.

The Zurich Climate Resilience Alliance works with communities to influence policies and practices which enhance resilience to climate hazards.

For more information about the Urban Heat Learning Journey, please contact:
Francisco Ianni, Senior Officer - Floods Resilience, [email protected]

Members of the Zurich Climate Resilience Alliance are funded by the Z Zurich Foundation, with the exception of Zurich Insurance Group. However, the views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the official position of either the Foundation or the company.